FamilyKind's Upcoming Events
November 18, 2022
10:00AM – 4:30 PM
We are grateful to all who helped make
FamilyKind's 2022 Annual Virtual Symposium
(for Professionals and Families Navigating the Carceral System)
such a success as a source of information and inspiration.
The learning has just begun. Please stay tuned to
learn how you can continue to access important resources.
For information about obtaining your CE/CLE credits, email FKSymposium2022@familykind.org.
The FamilyKind Virtual 2022 Annual Symposium
Supporting System-Impacted Families
For Attorneys | Mental Health Professionals | ADR Professionals | Criminal Justice Reform Advocates and Service Providers | Court Personnel | Advocates for Families
With programming for system-impacted families and members of the general public.
A Virtual Education Event
CLE credit hours pending; CE contact hours for SWs and psychologists offered.
Discover more about our Symposium - Download the agenda!
Co Sponsored By:

Having an incarcerated parent can be a significant challenge for families, and especially for children. In this symposium, we will hear from researchers, social work and mental health service providers, legal experts, and people with lived experience in rich discussions on the impacts the carceral system has on families.
In an era of mass incarceration, so many children are adversely impacted when a parent is incarcerated. This symposium will explore, examine, and educate the public, social service providers, mental health providers, and legal service providers on the ways in which each of these communities can collaborate to center and support children and families of incarcerated loved ones.
The panels will cover research and current practices about how to support and improve outcomes for children and their parents, provide general information about relevant legal issues that may arise when families navigate the prison system, and explore traditional and restorative action, and when a parent returns home.
Amy Carron Day, Esq., Day Law & Mediation
Jeffrey & Carol Vincent
The Law Firm of John Yacos, P.C.

We are so excited that these organizations are participating in the FamilyKind 2022 Symposium!


*Not all presenters and panelists are shown.
Elise Brancheau
Amy Dallas, Esq.
Lesley Friedland, Esq.
Stephanie Gilman, MA
Lauren Jones, Esq.
Maria Perna
Queen-Ella Pringle, MA, CFLE
Maurice Q. Robinson, Esq.
Registration: $75
Registration is free to system-impacted individuals and their families.
Please email: FKsymposium2022@familykind.org -
Supporting Ticket: $225, Benefactor Ticket: $500
Company or Firm Sponsorships: $2,500 (Presenting Sponsor), $1,500 (Supporting Sponsor), $750 (Friend of FamilyKind)
See Ticket and Sponsor Options on the registration page for benefits of sponsoring or supporting this event.
Registration is free to system-impacted individuals and their families. Please contact FKsymposium2022@familykind.org.
More details to follow. For more information, please email events@familykind.org.