Recent family related news included observations on why some people divorce, and a look at how weight-loss drugs can disrupt a marriage. Also, headlining the family news, New York has made it easier to file uncontested divorces, however, in contested cases, individuals are strongly advised to seek counsel before taking action.
Patricia Fersch, Forbes, January 24, 2025
Divorcing or separating involves all aspects of your life, from your future support or income to time spent with your children, how the children’s expenses will be paid for, where you will live, division of property accumulated during the marriage, how attorneys will be paid and it is governed by state law. The author advises, before you do anything unilaterally, seek legal advice from an experienced lawyer.
Lisa Miller, The New York Times, February 2, 2025
Doctors warn about the physical side effects of weight-loss drugs, but they are learning that there can also be unexpected effects on intimacy. The couple, who is profiled in this article, shares that they did not anticipate the upheaval the use of the medication would create in their 15-year marriage — a disruption that has not just radically changed one partner’s weight and her appetites, but has also seemingly forced a total renegotiation of their marital terms.
Sophie Clark, Newsweek, February 06, 2025
The Unified Court System (UCS) of New York has recently announced a new process to make the dissolution of a marriage more simple. The court system in New York has created the Uncontested Joint Divorce Form which allows parties to file for a divorce together, instead of having to file separately. With this new program, couples who have already sorted out their child custody, financial, and property arrangements are now able to file one divorce form together to end their marriage, instead of having to file against each other.
Ada Calhoun, Time, February 12, 2025
The author shares that Generation X produced millions of women who sublimated their own wants and needs. In many cases, they were simultaneously the caregivers, the breadwinners and the household staff leaving little room for them to prioritize themselves. This generation of women now in midlife, are asking themselves: is this the life that they want.
Susan Spencer, CBS News, February 16, 2025
New York divorce lawyer Robert Cohen shares that over three decades he has handled as many as a thousand cases. His clients often share one simple want: "Generally they want to be happier.” Mr. Cohen also shares his thoughts of how to avoid divorce. He believes the biggest key to staying together, is, "Not expecting perfect, but trying to be perfect."