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May 13, 2018

Recent family-related news included how talking about money before marriage is helpful, the different ways of being a mother figure to a child, the importance of maintaining the sibling relationship, a deep dive into parenting, a personal account of how a mother-in-law filled the role of mother, and a review of a new novel told from the perspective of a child of divorce.

Getting Married? Forget the Sweet Nothings; Let’s Talk About Money Paul Sullivan, The New York Times, April 27, 2018 If there is one statistic that does not lose its ability to scare, it’s how many marriages end in divorce… The response for many wealthy people is the prenuptial agreement, which details what each spouse is entitled to financially if the marriage ends in divorce.

I am not a Mother, But I am Something Paula Carter, the author of the memoir No Relation, The New York Times, May 10, 2018 We know that more people are marrying later in life or not at all; that more married women are not having children and that more unmarried women are… And yet we are still mired in narrow expectations and language that is not able to accurately describe the broadening range of familial roles.

How to Maintain Siblings Relationship Anna Goldfarb, The New York Times, May 8, 2018 Siblings are often the only people with whom we have lifelong relationships. For many people that means a built-in best friend for life. But deep, lifetime connections like that can be … messy at times, even in the strongest of bonds.

Secrets of a Maya Supermom: What Parenting Books Don’t Tell You Michaeleen Doucleff, NPR, May 11, 2018 Human children didn’t evolve in a nuclear family. Instead, for hundreds of thousands of years, kids have been brought up with a slew of people — grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, neighbors… It’s not that you need a whole village… but rather an extended family — which could include biological relatives but also neighbors, close friends or paid help… Anthropologists call them — “allo,” which simply means “other.”

Motherless but Growing Towards the Light Colter Jackson, The New York Times, May 11, 2018 Abandoned by her parents as a child, a woman realizes that her mother-in law has helped fill the “mother-shaped hole” in her heart… Marriage connects two families, each with their own language, customs and way of chopping onions… Uniting the differences can be like trying to piece Pangea back together.

A Debut Novel Sees Divorce Through the Eyes of a Child Dean Bakopoulous, The New York Times, May 11, 2018 A review of Zulema Renee Summerfield’s “Every Other Weekend”… reports that “this book comes as close as any novel I’ve read to capturing post-divorce depletion, and she does so from a child’s perspective, which is exactly as gut-wrenching as it sounds.”

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