November 4, 2019/by FamilyKind
This month’s blog about the Launch of FamilyKind’s ACOD Committee is written by our very own Dr. Lauren Behrman, a member of our newly formed Adult Children of Divorce Committee (ACOD). Please check out our webpage

FamilyKind is proud to launch a project to bring awareness to a growing population that is often ignored. There is little scientific research and attention paid to this issue in the media. The population I’m referring to is the one I call “The Invisible Children of Divorce”. These are the emerging adult and young adult children whose parents are divorcing as part of the “Gray Divorce” phenomenon. Apparently looking at recent statistics, the divorce rate in this sector of the population has risen over 100% from 2005-2015, while in other age groups the rate has gone down or stayed stable. The ‘children’ of gray divorces don’t require child support or parenting plans, and often they are adults with children of their own. The prevailing societal wisdom is that their parent’s divorce is a non-issue for them as they are out of the house and have lives of their own. There is so little written about this subject, yet parental divorce can have a profound effect on adults. In 2016 there was a story about adult children of divorce that appeared in the Times : Click Here to Read Article.
Through FamilyKind, we’ve created a committee to address the issues of Adult Children of Divorce. There are two distinct populations: 1) those children whose parents divorced during their childhood who are now adults and approaching their own adult lives- love relationships, identity and career, and 2) Adult children whose parents are divorcing during their college and young adult years.
Goddard-Riverside Community Center generously partnered with us on October 20th for our exciting and compelling launch event. The afternoon started with a one act play written and acted by a talented young man, Peter Roccaforte, about his experience of his parent’s divorce. An informative and lively panel discussion and talk-back with the playwright/actor followed. The afternoon was capped off with informal discussion and delicious refreshments.
To continue bringing attention to this important issue we are launching a support group for Adult Children of Divorce, which will be held this spring at the 92 street Y, as well as developing an educational program on college campuses and a resource center.
Please follow FamilyKind on social media and check our website often for more information about this important ACOD initiative. If you want to get involved with this committee or have any questions, please contact Lauren Behrman at 212-799-7921 or
Please follow us to learn about important and supportive programming for the Adult Children of Divorce and their Families.