October 5, 2022 / by Lesley Friedland and the FamilyKind Team
"Don’t stress over the could haves. If it should have, it would have."
- Unknown
Upcoming FamilyKind Happenings
Mediation Services Offered by FamilyKind
Pre-nuptial • Co-habitation agreements •
Divorce/Separation • Marital/Couple • Child Inclusive
Sessions with trained mediators held remotely or in a private setting
Avoid damaging effects of a high-conflict, adversarial process
Locations in New York City, Long Island, Westchester and remote access
Fees determined on a sliding scale basis
Services offered in English, Spanish, French and American Sign Language
Resolve parenting time, support and property distribution
FamilyKind offers Live, In-Person Parent Education Classes for Separating or Divorcing Parents!
Our live, in-person classes are also offered live via Zoom.
Join our live, in-person NYS Certified Parent Education Classes for Separating or Divorcing Parents and get all the benefits that being in a live, in-person class can offer!
Our live, in-person classes are also offered live via Zoom.
To enroll, please call 212-769-3057, email info@familykind.org or click the button.
Save the Date for FamilyKind's Virtual 2022 Annual Symposium Supporting System-Impacted Families:
Empowering Professionals & Families Navigating Challenges of the Carceral System Friday, November 18, 2022 Symposium: 10:00 am – 4:30 PM
For Attorneys | Mental Health Professionals | ADR Professionals | Criminal Justice Reform Advocates and Service Providers | Court Personnel | Advocates for Families
With programming for impacted families and members of the General Public.
Special Sponsorships and Group Rates Available.
For more information, visit our Website or email events@FamilyKind.org
Stay tuned for more information and registration details!
Individualized Parenting Education
What is Individualized Parenting Education?
FamilyKind parenting educators meet individually with parents to identify, apply and strengthen parenting skills and family management tools. This service is provided virtually.
To learn more, visit us at https://www.familykind.org/parent-education or click the button below.