Recent family-related news included an update on one father’s efforts to dissolve his daughter’s arranged marriage in India, research regarding the mysteries of human attraction, advice on handling financial issues when tying the knot later in life, an in-depth discourse on whether having children affects a women’s ability to fully express herself creativity, and finally a look at what is happening with the effort to legalize same sex marriage in Australia.
Whatever Happened to the Father Who Wants to Undo the Child Marriage He Set Up? Nurith Aizenman, NPR, September 6, 2017 Child marriages are common in India — even though the practice was outlawed there decades ago. But even by the standards of their village, Durga’s husband was a terrible match. He was in his 40s, had little schooling and had a reputation as a heavy drinker.
When It Comes to Romantic Attraction, Real Life Beats Questionnaires Angus Chen, NPR, September 6, 2017 Dating sites claim to winnow a few ideal suitors out of a nigh-infinite pool of chaff. But the matches these algorithms offer may be no better than picking partners at random, a study finds.
How to Manage Financial Matters Before Getting Married Late in Life Stacy Rapacon, US News, September, 11, 2017 In 1956, when entering their first marriages, women were just 20.1 years old and men were only 22.5 years old, on average, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. In 2016, those average ages moved up to a ripe 27.4 and 29.5, respectively. And of course, when you’re entering a second or third marriage, you’re likely to have a more complex financial picture than a standard singleton.
How Motherhood Affects Creativity Erika Hayasaki, The Atlantic, September 13, 2017 Cultural messages tell women that making art and having children are incompatible pursuits. But science suggests that women may become more creative after having kids. It may be one of the most uncomfortable questions facing any woman wondering if it is possible to balance both identities.
Gay Parents Become Activists in Australian Marriage Debate Adam Baidawi, The New York Times, September 13, 2017 Australians will soon vote in a national postal survey, a non-binding poll intended to help the government decide whether to press forward with legalizing same-sex marriage. Gay parents say the fight to legalize marriage is a fight for their children’s dignity. They want their children to be treated the same way the children of heterosexual parents are treated.