July 23, 2021/by Lesley Friedland and the FamilyKind Team
“My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.”
—Desmond Tutu, Anti-apartheid and human rights activist
Upcoming FamilyKind Happenings
Our ACOD Group is Starting Soon.
The Group will meet for 6 consecutive meetings through Zoom.
Stay tuned for dates, starting soon.
Click here to see our webpage for more information.
Or for more information and to register please contact:
Lauren Behrman at laurenbehrman@gmail.com.
We understand that parental divorce can be deeply disruptive to young adults, and have a significant impact on how their adult lives evolve. There is a false message from our culture that the divorce of parents does not really matter when you are a young adult because you may be away at college, living on your own, or even married with your own children. Group discussions will focus on the common themes that exist for Adult Children of Divorce:
Adjusting to parents as new people and their new partners
Role changes following parental divorce and the impact on sense of identity
Implications for intimacy and romantic relationships following parental divorce in adulthood
Difficulties around setting boundaries and navigating holidays and special events with separated parents
We request a $90 contribution from all participants to FamilyKind, Ltd. for the 6 sessions. Participants are asked to commit to attending all 6 sessions. However, if they are facing difficult financial circumstances please reach out to discuss a payment plan.
Group facilitators are Lauren Behrman, PhD & Laura Eidlitz, PhD.
Save the Date for our FamilyKind Autumn Program
Please hold the date and plan to join us on Thursday, October 28, 2021, from 12:00 to 2:00 PM Eastern time (U.S.), for FamilyKind’s Autumn Program – Planting Seeds of Hope: A FamilyKind Tribute to Tziporah Pronman. This live virtual event will feature presentations on supporting families by spreading hope, working from the heart, learning from the past with an optimistic eye toward the future. This program, bringing together friends and professionals from around the globe, is in celebration of Tziporah, a visionary with a deep belief in the human spirit. More details to follow.
For information please contact Lesley at: lfriedland@FamilyKind.org.
FamilyKind in partnership with Queens Long Island Community Services INVITES YOU TO OUR VIRTUAL GROUP:
Who’s in Control: YOU OR YOUR ANGER?
This webinar will explore the important role family science can play for legal and mental health professionals assisting families.
When: Every Monday from October 4 – November 22, 2021 Time: 7:30 – 8:30 pm Where: On Zoom. You will receive the link upon registration. Cost: $80 for the entire 8 week session. Scholarships are available based on financial need. Facilitators: Paul Engel, DHL, LCSW and David Tzall Psy.D. Please call: 718-461-6393 for more information In our presentation, we will:
Define Family Science and its connection to divorcing families and family law
Address the challenges faced by the profession, in the past and currently
Identify nationally recognized organizations that are pillars of the family science profession
Emphasize the value of family science to the clients we serve and how you can incorporate it into your practice
Workshop Description:
In this eight-week virtual group, we will distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate expressions of anger. And we will explore positive strategies and responses to deal more effectively with anger.
Sign Up for Our Online Parenting Class for Divorcing or Separating Parents (Court Approved!)
During COVID-19 parents needing court-approved parenting education for divorcing and separating families can take the online version of our class. This 4.5-hour class is approved by the Office of Court Administration and satisfies all New York State court mandates of parents experiencing divorce, separation or those who are unmarried co-parents. Click here for more information and to register for the class.
Parents have 30 days from the time they register to complete the class and may review any portions they desire.
For more information, contact info@familykind.org or call 212-769-3057.
Here is what parents who take FamilyKind’s online classes say:
“The principles of respectful parenting, and developing my own emotional health is the best way to develop my child’s emotional health.”
“A great environment, extremely helpful and insightful. I’m looking forward to change.” “I wish I knew about this class before.”