Resources for Families

Ackerman Institute for the Family
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
The Albert Ellis Institute
Children’s Law Center
Family Divorce and Mediation Council
Her Justice
Lawyers for Children
New York Center for Interpersonal Development
New York Legal Assistance Group
New York Peace Institute
New York State Council on Divorce Mediation
Sanctuary for Families
Sanctuary for Families
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Children's Bill of Rights
For Children Whose Parents Are Divorced, Separating or Separated.
The Children's Bill of Rights has been embraced across New York State.
In any custody dispute, it is important to be sensitive to the rights of children. As expressed by New York State Justice James Brands (Dutchess County Family Court, New York) and Justice Ira Harkavy (Supreme Court, Kings County, New York) in the "Bill of Rights for Children Whose Parents Are Divorced or Separated," the rights of children in divorce or custody include:

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FamilyKind Articles and Media
The impact of virtual live parenting education
FamilyKind is very proud to announce a new article on virtual parenting education by our Director of the Parent Education Department, Yu Jiang (YuJi).
America's crisis of youth mental health challenges has been worsened by COVID-19. Group-based parent education has been proven effective in intervention and prevention; however, a lack of universal access and the business of parents are significant barriers to participation. Rapid growth in technology-based education aims to increase accessibility but live, virtual parent education was understudied. E3 Parent Education (E3PE) was a free, virtual, and synchronous group program offered in Montana by a certified parent educator to support families navigating common and uncommon challenges.
Where Family Comes First
Sarah Lawrence Magazine • Lesley Ann Friedland, founder and executive director of FamilyKind, is featured with colleague Shanée Brown in Sarah Lawrence, the Sarah Lawrence College magazine, in an article
Where Family Comes First. “A veteran attorney invests her experience in a nonprofit that helps families in crisis — and a fellow alumna pitches in.”
Lesley is a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College.
Podcast: Lesley Friedland: FamilyKind Not for Profit in The Divorce Sphere
Rich in Relationship • Jul 12, 2020 • Lesley Ann Friedland, founder and executive director of FamilyKind, is featured on the podcast Rich in Relationship.
Communication is a vital part of marriage, but doing it well is not as easy as some may think.
Join Rich Heller, a relationship coach, and content creator, as he weekly explores how we can better improve the way we relate with our partners.
If you want to improve the way you relate to your partner and help your relationship grow and thrive, this is the show for you. Click here to listen to the Podcast.
FamilyKind — Help for the Separating Family
Better Business Magazine • FamilyKind was featured in the “Community News” section of Better Business, published by the National Minority Business Council. View a PDF.
Helping Families Transition Through Divorce
Savvy Business Radio • Helping Families Transition Through Divorce with Lesley Ann Friedland of FamilyKind. Lesley discusses FamilyKind’s vision, mission, and work in this engaging audio conversation with Savvy Business Radio host, Christina Nitschmann, herself a child of divorce.
Navigating Divorce with Kids
Big Apple Parent Magazine • FamilyKind was included in the “Ask the Experts: Child-Raising” section of Big Apple Parent, published by nymetroparents.com.

More Past FamilyKind Articles
Finding Joy in Transitions - 2018 article
June 1, 2018/by Shari Bornstein
Summertime Transitions for Children of Divorce and Separation - 2018 article
July 1, 2018/by Ellen Taner
Adolescence, Teens, Divorce part 1 article - 2017 article
November 1, 2017/by Isabelle Wallace
Be a Separation and Divorce Mediator - 2017 article
May 1, 2017/by FamilyKind Team
New Year resolution - 2017 article
January 1, 2017/by Peter Shapiro
November 1, 2017/by Isabelle Wallace
Hollywood- Throw Some Tinsel to Kids of Divorce - 2016 article
November 1, 2016/by Shari Bornstein
Separation, Divorce and the Extended Family - 2015 article
April 1, 2015/by Dana Greco and Don Desroches